Through our supported employment services, our clients receive support in finding employment and long-term job support within their communities.
Supported employment services: Services that help people find and retain paid employment in community businesses where people without disabilities are employed.
Covered services that require direct contact with the person include:
- Individual and small group counseling
- Individual job development and placement to find an appropriate job match for the person and the employer
- Individualized work-related assessment
- Long-term support to help the person retain his or her job
- Supervision and monitoring of the person’s job performance
- Training on (1) position-specific skills; (2) skills required to obtain and retain employment (e.g. using community resources); (3) how to use break and lunch areas; and (4) transportation resources
Covered services that do not require direct contact with the person include:
- Advocacy, negotiation, and liaison communications with employers
- Benefit(s) review and analysis
- Design and implementation of schedules for support, job coach fading (i.e. reducing paid on-the-job support) and remote monitoring
- Development of the person’s natural work supports
- Employment marketplace research
- Employment-specific transportation coordination
- Job application, resume, and cover letter development
- Job-specific data collection, documentation, and progress reporting
- Negotiation of the person’s employment
- Outreach to community businesses about available employment opportunities
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